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Jumat, 29 Mei 2009


"The World is not big as kelor leaves," this parable you will often hear in Indonesia. Kelor means as Moringa Oleifera, a plan that indonesian people use for healling from ill or magic attack. However, kelor or Moringa has benefits that can be spelled out very wide. In the sense that benefits have exceptional health care for our bodies. 

Perhaps many of us have never seen such as What is kelor/Moringa plants like. Because at this time the plants are rarely found except in such rural areas. 

So many benefits we will get from kelor/moringa cultivation. this plan has so many kind of vitamins and minerals that we can use. not only for children, adult man can use it too.

I will discussed the benefits of plant kelor/moringa : 
Kelor/moringa leaves mixed with betel leaf is a skin ill disease such as drug ringworm, scabies, etc.
Kelor/moringa leaves and roots boiled with water until the water slab. the water drunk to treat rheumatism diseases, infections and eliminate interference urine (ureter smooth) and venereal disease. 
As a stimulus (stimulus), old kelor/moringa seeds mixed with nutmeg to be destroyed powder, then mixed with water, then drink it.
Bidder as the strength of science in the world of black magic. 

The ingredients of kelor/moringas leaf 

This are comparison of the fresh leaf kelor/moringa and dry weight in the same unit. 

Fresh leaves kelor 
Same as 7 times the vitamin C of fresh citrus/orange
Same as 4 times the vitamin A of Carrot 
Same as 4 times the calcium of milk 
Equal to 3 times the potassium of banana 
2 times with the same protein in the yogurt 
¾ time with the same iron in the spinach 

Dry leaves kelor 
Same as ½ times the vitamin C of fresh citrus/orange
Same as 10 times the vitamin A of Carrot 
Same as 17 times the calcium milk 
Equal to 15 times the potassium of banana 
9 times with the same protein in the yogurt 
25 times with the same iron in spinach 

The amount of nutrient contents in the leaves kelor/moringa such as, 
Substance / element in the leaves Fresh 

Protein - 6.80 g 
Fat - 1.70 g 
Beta carotene (Vit.A) - 6.78 mg 
Thiamin (Vit.B1) - 0.06 mg 
Riboflavin (Vit. B2) - 0.05 mg 
Vitamin C - 220 mg 
Calcium - 440 mg 
Calories - 92 kal 
Carbohydrate - 12.5 g 
Fiber - 0.90 g 
Ferrum (iron) - 0.85 mg 
Magnesium - 42 mg 
Posfor - 70 mg 
Potassium - 259 mg 
Zincum (zinc) - 0.16 mg 

Substance / element in the Dry Leaf 

Protein - 27.1 g 
Fat - 2.3 g 
Beta carotene (Vit.A) - 18.9 mg 
Thiamin (Vit.B1) - 2.64 mg 
Riboflavin (Vit. B2) - 20.05 mg 
Vitamin C - 17.83 mg 
Calcium - 2003 mg 
Calories - 205 kal 
Carbohydrate - 38.2 g 
Fiber - 19.2 g 
Ferrum (iron) - 28.2 mg 
Magnesium - 368 mg 
Posfor - 204 mg 
Potassium - 1324 mg 
Zincum (zinc) - 3.29 mg 

Based on the analysis of J. Lowell Fuglie 

Nutrition in the 100 gr fresh kelor/moringas leaf equivalent to 8 gr dry leaf kelor/moringa. 

Based on studies conducted by Church World Service which is carried out in the country of Senegal, Africa. "Mother and Child Health Project" experiment conducted in the year 1997 - 1998, in the centre of care nutrition of the child where there are 45 cases in children aged 1 - 5 years, 20 cases of malnutrition among heavy. Experiments carried out by adding kelor dry leaf powder into their food. The result is 17 children who have experienced serious malnutrition and 25 children in the regular round total nutrition are cure 

From the results of the study note that leaves kelor/moringa helps to improve nutrition in children. So now how do we face the situation. Starting now by plant trees kelor/moringa in your garden or backyard at your home. Maybe it can replace your purchased vegetables. You can shrink the young moringas/kelor leaf. But don't shrink it under the sun directly. when the leafs dry, then destroyed it with blender until smooth. And the powder can be mixed in foods such as soup, rice, porridge, noodles or any vegetables, etc..